
Rhymes with Onion and is an Optic Topic of Punny I-sight

Thursday, May 05, 2016

What is heavy - What is space?

weak or strong interactions
heaviness or lightness

weakly interacting heaviness
strongly interacting heaviness
weakly interacting lightness
strongly interacting lightness

Everything inside of these quadrants
is everything
for some bit of time.
(Though weaker interactions and much of heaviness isn't really experienced, just known...
with the strongest interacting heaviness being at the edge of experience.)

Both lightness and strength in interactions qualify the content of our experience
leaving all of the rest below a horizon of knowable.

forces, particles, and fields
Sean Carroll answers that it's all continuous and waves.
Imagine the lightest, least interacting space.
It's the other extreme of experience :-)

Weak interactions must be lightweight in our world.
Heavyweights will interact strongly in our world.
Most happens in the area of more strongly acting unheaviness.
Sounds like tickles with a feather.

Wednesday, September 09, 2015


-- stories and stories --
of stories...
I restore true stories into truer stories
As I collect from this store -- the world,
        abundance is in store for me.
Healthy, wealthy, and wise me.

(Note: I'm left with ject, morse, gret, and pent because I used the RE in front of STORE.)

Monday, May 28, 2012

This place is a dream.
Only a sleeper considers it real.
Then death comes like dawn,
and you wake up laughing at
what you thought was your grief.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

The Current Picture

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors | Video on TED.com

Itay Talgam: Lead like the great conductors | Video on TED.com

Thursday, December 10, 2009


Friday, November 13, 2009


Wednesday, November 04, 2009

Posted by Picasa

Posted by Picasa

Monday, August 17, 2009

I love my team

Monday, August 03, 2009

nonsense fundamentally--a lost-dominant praiser

Hewn geometry,
entirely poetic --
magic collapses inward.

Musical intentions promise larger...
listen the dimensions--
an instructed phrase--
a scale haunts awareness.

Puny fractals
however, they galloped legions of space.

Bumps edge souls with
an ionic difference of
purely charged particles.

Saturday, May 09, 2009

Team possibillities, Chicago, May 2009

Tuesday, May 05, 2009

I have opinions. They are Ohhhh...pinions

Pinions are sources of thrust and lift as well as reducers of drag due to flexibility in pinion attachment to the bird.  They are the long feathers on the wings of birds.


The left is possibly a pinion

File:Buteo buteo primary secondary.jpg

Primaries [bird feathers]

Primaries are connected to the manus (the bird's "hand", composed of carpometacarpus and phalanges); these are the longest and narrowest of the remiges (particularly those attached to the phalanges), and they can be individually rotated. These feathers are especially important for flapping flight, as they are the principal source of thrust, moving the bird forward through the air. Most thrust is generated on the downstroke of flapping flight. However, on the upstroke (when the bird often draws its wing in close to its body), the primaries are separated and rotated, reducing air resistance while still helping to provide some thrust.[4] The flexibility of the remiges on the wingtips of large soaring birds also allows for the spreading of those feathers, which helps to reduce the creation of wingtip vortices, thereby reducing drag.[5]

Bald Eagle (Haliaeetus leucocephalus) in flight with primaries spread to decrease drag and improve lift

The outermost primaries—those connected to the phalanges—are sometimes known as pinions.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Say a thing exists.
One thing.

The one thing and everything that is not that thing
are two.

The one thing and the not-the-one-thing are a set
which if considered as a thing makes three.

The number that would be four is a mystery.
What is the "not-the-set" that is {one thing and everything other than one thing}?

A not-the-set
or a set that is {not-not and not-is the one thing}?

"Four" is apparently the beginning of letting go even as symbol is generated. Four is extraordinarily conceptual: slipperiness ineluctable.

Saturday, August 11, 2007

no where
now here

ok, ok, I want this on my headstone:

Obviously space slipped leftward
and my existence has gone from
now here
no where.
Simply put: this is all a matter of semantics.

Tuesday, June 19, 2007

There is still a difference between something and nothing, but it is purely geometrical and there is nothing behind the geometry.

Martin Gardner, "The Mathematical Magic Show"
US logician, mathematician, puzzle constructor, & popularizer of logic & mathematics (1914 - )

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Once upon a time
a little girl stood at the edge of
a field ruinous with wild grasses,
weedy flowers and industrious insects.

She breathed deeply
and listened intently.

Her grandfather’s white Arabian stallion
galloped freely in a corral up the road.

However, at this field
a meadowlark always sang.

When Ts'ao-shan left Tung-shan,
Tung-shan asked him,
"Where are you going?"
Ts'ao-shan said,
"To an unchanging place."
Tung-shan retorted,
"If it is an unchanging place,
how can there be any going?"
Ts'ao-shan replied,
"The going is also unchanging."

-Tung-shan, "Five Houses of Zen"

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

Thursday, March 09, 2006

"It is easier to be impressed than to be instructed . . ."

The Sense of Beauty by George Santayana, Charles Scribner's Sons, New York, 1936, p. 10.

Monday, February 20, 2006

Tuesday, February 14, 2006

Aren't I much more alive than this world is alive?

Friday, October 07, 2005

Thursday, September 29, 2005

Rather Known Paradigms

*Volume / Space / Loudness / Existence (without logic)
[re: less than right/wrong and good/bad]
*Motion / Mechanics / Logical Consequences in space-time
[re: right/wrong]
*Evolution /Quantum Science / Aesthetics (counterintuitive-logic)
[re: good/bad]
*Resolution / Creativity / Heuristics
[re: more than right/wrong and good/bad]
... which is R-evolution
... and E-motion
... and Non-Volume/Time specific because of occurrence across scales--appearing fundamentally the same at all levels of resolution (such as in Schenkarian analysis for music, fractals and decision theory of science, Platonic ideals of philosophy and fairy tales or epic narrative of literature.)
... A source and an employment of awareness and reasoning that is not simply logic--although it includes choices of logic(s).

Spatial Temporal

or any wave,
is conceiveable,

Aren't we spatial/temporal?
What isn't?
Perhaps we are supra-spatial/temporal?

are the sentient's three dimensions

Sunday, September 25, 2005


A resolution is a promise.
A resolution is an ending.
With resolution means: with intentions of a particular finality.
In music, resolutions drive the composition and finish them.

Friday, September 23, 2005


Soul Founder
Sole Flounder
[...fishy...very fishy...]
so sole founder
rings sound,
[not] rounder and rounder
[but] around and
a Round

Soul of sol as
Soles of souls:
dominant bases of movement
Soul - fully:

SOUND mind and body

SOUND sleep

Tuesday, September 20, 2005

Evokelution: The next philosophical/scientific "wave of understanding"

Evolution as a scientific idea showed up simultaneously in many several then more places as it became a legitimized idea. Previous to the Enlightenment and/or the world's-expansion-of-trade, it didn't occur so much to people that things changed because things didn't change much--relative to a person's lifetime--until trade and philosophies picked up tempi. We noticed evolution!

Today we watch international corporations be created and expand into creatures larger than countries. Relative to that, as people, we are just little cells and our institutions are cell tribes within more huge organisms.

So, just as some of the best social science research establishes that people participating in communications within events generally cause more positive outcomes for all involved parties (whereas imposed actions upon people tend to create even more problems within events) [see risk assessment science], we will want to be heard and recognized and nurtured from within the huge creatures inhabiting this planet--the corporations. Expections already resemble how we feel about our right to vote--simular but more extensive hopes of meaningful-ness.

So, suddenly biology will be about communications from cells, and maybe colonies of cells, toward the more largely-motivated, incorporated, self-organism. (Mostly cells "should just communicate". Ignoring cells' communications would "cause" generally less desirable outcomes for cells and the whole organism.)

Biology will be looked at as the whole organism attempting to honor cell "truths", just as we, as individuals, are going to be hoping that we are heard by obviously self-motivated corporations that resemble gigantic organisms.

What will the new science be named? The noise placed on top of other noise to distinguish beneficial pattern or order . . . Responder-lution . . . No . . .



Resolution evolved this essay.

Saturday, September 10, 2005


WolframTones -- An Experiment in A New Kind of Music

Saturday, August 20, 2005

Presence for pre-sense

makes sense?

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Not not.

Who's there?

Neither(neither(neither A nor A) nor B) nor (neither(neither(A nor A)nor B)))
means: If A then B

Not not.
Whose there?

Baa, baa heartbeat

have you any woe?

Yes sir, yes sir,
three days ago.


In fact,

(Pay in

Friday, August 05, 2005

Thursday, August 04, 2005

Monday, July 25, 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The way we Whir

In the beginning there was a whir:
whirred without end--
word without end

Beginning with "were"???
(the whole whir ... l ... ed world)

Spell that backward!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pun - ion

Sounds like onion.
Spelled like union.
Perhaps union should be pronounced onion?
Onion could be pronounced awn yun.
Un-yawn-ed You-n-yun [Onioned Union]

It's all one, big, hewn pun,
by puny fun, all soon wun.

Very punny.

About ion:

The Ionian musical scale in modern terms is the major scale.

Ionic Order is one of three major classical Greek architectual organizational systems beginning circa 600 B.C. (more at Wikipedia: Ionic order)

Ionians, who were located along the western Turkish coast (in modern terms) and islands of the Ionian Sea, were one of four major groups of early Greek people.

"An ion is an atom or molecule which has lost or gained one or more valence electrons, making it positively or negatively charged." from Wikipedia: ion

Thursday, June 30, 2005

Rachel, my sister, 'aunts' me.

Monday, June 27, 2005



(joyce haunts me)

Wednesday, June 22, 2005

Wits about

"Philosophy results in the disclosing of one or another piece of plain nonsense and in the bumps that the understanding has got by running its head up against the limits of language. These bumps make us see the value of that disclosure." Ludwig Wittgenstein, Philosophical Investigations, section 119.

Monday, June 20, 2005

Monday, June 13, 2005

Sonic Icons from an Inward 'Darwin'

Notices Section:

Unison unions in
legions of lingoes, create one
alerting triangle, integral to altering relating

permission and impression
within the
tactile lattice).

As all words here,
creator and reactor
--as inserted resident--
are the same.

recent center
aligns signal--
One's own now won.
Except, expect to
ever veer.

Credit a direct,
ordinate, rationed,
phrase shaper who
tastes states and
states tastes
and who
exclaims in climaxes:
Silent! -- Listen!

Praiser repairs aspirer.
Dances ascend.
A scent enacts stance.

Sunday, June 12, 2005

Wordy words (like Girly girls)

Presence presents presents. How's that for singularly one-two-three dimensional?

Saturday, June 11, 2005


. .

A versus A

in . . . verse:

a singularly poetic line

one story up against nothing
(the (inverse (onion (larger within)) union) universe).