
Rhymes with Onion and is an Optic Topic of Punny I-sight

Monday, July 25, 2005

Saturday, July 23, 2005

The way we Whir

In the beginning there was a whir:
whirred without end--
word without end

Beginning with "were"???
(the whole whir ... l ... ed world)

Spell that backward!

Sunday, July 10, 2005

Thursday, July 07, 2005

Pun - ion

Sounds like onion.
Spelled like union.
Perhaps union should be pronounced onion?
Onion could be pronounced awn yun.
Un-yawn-ed You-n-yun [Onioned Union]

It's all one, big, hewn pun,
by puny fun, all soon wun.

Very punny.

About ion:

The Ionian musical scale in modern terms is the major scale.

Ionic Order is one of three major classical Greek architectual organizational systems beginning circa 600 B.C. (more at Wikipedia: Ionic order)

Ionians, who were located along the western Turkish coast (in modern terms) and islands of the Ionian Sea, were one of four major groups of early Greek people.

"An ion is an atom or molecule which has lost or gained one or more valence electrons, making it positively or negatively charged." from Wikipedia: ion