
Rhymes with Onion and is an Optic Topic of Punny I-sight

Sunday, April 09, 2006

Once upon a time
a little girl stood at the edge of
a field ruinous with wild grasses,
weedy flowers and industrious insects.

She breathed deeply
and listened intently.

Her grandfather’s white Arabian stallion
galloped freely in a corral up the road.

However, at this field
a meadowlark always sang.

When Ts'ao-shan left Tung-shan,
Tung-shan asked him,
"Where are you going?"
Ts'ao-shan said,
"To an unchanging place."
Tung-shan retorted,
"If it is an unchanging place,
how can there be any going?"
Ts'ao-shan replied,
"The going is also unchanging."

-Tung-shan, "Five Houses of Zen"


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